Laura: The same roomate I've had since freshman year. A best friend. Travel buddy.
Cristy: The new roomate. In her last year at Point Loma studying lit/journalism.
Mike: Loma friend. Cristy's boyfriend. Our 4th roommate, essentially.
Drew: Friend/co-worker at Jamba.
Chessy: My adorable bear faced fattie of a guinea pig. Otherwise known as my child. Grandma is proud...
Well, Laura and I couch surfed all summer and continued to do so when we got back from europe while we job/apartment. It was eventful. We spent a month down in Eastlake with our Pseudo-parents (Jamie and Marrissa's parents) sleeping in Mar's room while she was working at a youth camp. Then we spent a weekend at Laura's friend Angela's condo in Mission Gorge. Then we spent a week and a half in Jonathan's empty room in Clairemont before he moved down to attend UCSD. And lastly, we slept in Amanda and Monica's living room in Serra Mesa until we could move into our new place. We've been all over! The place we ended up signing a lease for is in the Loma Portal area as we refuse to call it Ocean Beach. we are not OB people...we just like to visit. I got a random call from my friend Mike who said his ex needed someone to move in soon as her old roomate was leaving and she liked living there. At the time we were still job hunting (which prevented us from getting any other places to consider us...) so it was providential that her older brother was set to be our co-signor.
Since my home church, The Rock, moved into it's massive new building, things have been interesting. I decided I wanted to be more involved because now there's no Point Loma bubble to keep us occupied. We started going to a young adult group called Remnant which was cool because it was full of people our own age. new people. I love new people! We also started attending the 7pm service because, again, there's more young people. Now we have a group of people that also attend that service that we hang out with afterwards and sometimes other times during the week. It's been fabulous hanging out with non-Loma people. I also took a class on basics of the faith and learned a lot of things I previously had misconceptions about.
When the job search seemed endless and the interviews all seemed fruitless we decided to apply to Jamba Juice Point Loma where our friend Drew worked. We figured he could put in a good word for us. Needless to say, we were hired and started working part time at jamba juice. It's been fun.
Since things were hectic and unstable, yet full of endless possibilities, I was really just trying not to worry and learning to trust.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" ~John 14:27
Amanda & Monica: We go to their house every week to watch Gossip Girl and America's Next top Model. PiƱa coladas? Yes, please.
Mark: From Maui, but as white on the inside as me. Because of this he has been appointed "new best friend." A freshman that hangs out with grads, how cool is he?
Cita: My boss at Artes Medical. She loves me. Tells me I "eat details for breakfast," and explains everything like you're 7.
Daniel: The crazy kid I met at Rock Youth. Hated on Angels &Airwaves with. Bonded with over french fries at In-N-Out. Affiliated with Invisible Children.
Marcus: The Philly-born crazy kid that excites everyone's lives. Also affiliated with Invisible Children.
Jasmine & Triscuit: Chessy's illegitimate offspring. Jasmine is crazy and still lives and home while Triscuit has moved on to bigger and better things (Jack's house).
I watch lot of DVDs. I spend my friday nights in with fun activities like cleaning the cage.
Drew got me going over to his house weekly to attend "community group" that is affiliated with his church, The Flood. I still have to work on finding a bible study but right now it's cool to hang out with a group of like minded people (some of which I've known since freshman year) and meet cool new people.
In November (or late October, I forget already) I got a temp job working at a bio-technology company called Artes Medical, Inc. that makes wrinkle filler. (It's the first FDA approved non-resorbable dermal filler for use on the nasal-labial folds.) I was first hired to take care of their rebate program (data entry and mailings) but now I do a bunch of other stuff too. I got named Marketing Assistant since I do so much stuff for the whole department, not just the rebates. It's been interesting. I hated it at first but now I'm getting to know my co-workers (or getting used to them...) and it's more fun to be around them. I even got to go to the company Christmas party. (ooo!) I made Caleb come as my date. We took pretty Prom-esque pictures.

"We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers. anyone who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how an the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." ~1 John 3:14-20
I'm reading this book called the Great Lovers Manifesto which talks about Godly love and it's characteristics because loving people with our selfish nature is actually really hard to do. I mean, love EVERYONE. Even stupid people. And people who suck. And people who can't drive and cut you off on the freeway. Not just your friends. Everyone.
Jack: Essentially gave me her old job. We graduated with the same degree...and are both doing loads with it!
Candace: Owner of the antique store. out recovering from heart surgery.
I start a new job at an antique store called King & Company up in La Jolla tomorrow. The owner does interior design and her son makes custom lighting. I get to be the computer girl (quickbooks, entering design time, deposits...) because Jack is going full time at her other job and they needed someone ASAP. I was available. I shifted my days at Artes to Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and will work at King & Co Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Ew. Now I know it doesn't sound like interior design, but it's the grunt work. I'm considering this a learner job. Candace says that this kind of job teaches you a lot about the field and makes you consider if it's really what you want to do or not. It could turn into Or No, who knows? I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none. I like it that way.
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