28 April 2010

Music "Tuesday" #4

This week's song:

Burn Out Brighter (Northern Lights) by Anberlin

Listen here. Or youtube it.
Lyrics here.

Focus for me is here:
All I know spins out of control.
Wonder what's next for heart and soul.
Nothing I have can save me now.
Here in what maybe my final hour.

It's my time, cannot survive.
I made mistakes in the past.
Need a chance; can't say goodbye.
Wish I could set things right tonight.

Live; I wanna live inspired.
Die; I wanna die for something higher than myself.
Live and die for anyone else.
The more I live I see, this life's not about me.

I don't feel like I need to do that much explaining on what those lyrics mean. The reason it's song of the week is that one of my friends basically asked me what I want to do with my life. Well, it was more like, I know you want to do museum curating, but have you thought about ... As I started to think about the complicated answer to that, I thought of this song. "Live; I wanna live inspired" and later it says, "Live; I wanna live on fire" which I assume means on fire for God. That pretty much sums up what I desire for my life and I don't know exactly what it is, career-wise, that will demonstrate that. I know I was made for more than just working for a paycheck. I really want to love whatever I do and have it be glorifying to God. ...and travel :)

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