23 March 2010

Music Tuesday #1

Twitter does Music Monday, so I guess I'll do Music Tuesday

Song of the Week: The Difference by Philmont
You can listen to it on myspace, rhapsody or lala.
I was going to put a link to the lyrics, but no site had the correct ones so they're at the end on the entry :P (I'm picky).

You give the devil an inch and he'll take a mile...and then some. When I looked back over 2009, which in my mind was sooo awesome (mainly cuz I was 24, which is a great number) I realized it actually wasn't so great. Last year was difficult, and full of bad decisions that led me astray from a strong relationship with God. The separation just happened so subtley and gradually that I didn't really notice the change until I came to a point at the end of the year (when people do the usual life evaluation) and I just had to wonder, "How did I get here!?" Sure, I had some high points, like getting laid off from a job I hated & getting to go to Turkey, BUT concerning my walk with God, I wasn't in a very good place. My heart definitely needed to change! I couldn't remedy the bad decisions I made, but I could at least not make them again. The devil is tricky. He gets in your head. I rationalized dumb things I did & watered down my values and convictions as if I had never learned from any past mistakes at all. This song suddenly became epic--totally me! It says, "And I've tried so hard to mix the old life with the new. But there's not in between if I'm gonna follow You."
2 Corinthians 5:17 says "If we are in Christ we are a new creation..." and it's about time I started acting like one. Not just kind of like one sometimes, depending on the situatioin. "If You're really inside changing my life You would shine, You would be evident if there's a difference."
Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses around us, let us put aside the things that hinder us and the sin that entangles us and let us run with perseverance the race set before us."

I check the map to make sure that I get it right
But still I don't know where You're taking me tonight
And I've tried so hard to mix the old life with the new
But there's not in between if I'm gonna follow You

There's gotta be a difference
It's gotta be significant
If You're really inside changing my life
You would shine, You would be evident
If there's a difference
There's a difference

Here I am, I've got this baggage by my side
But I am ready now to leave it all behind
So I'm taking this moment to tell You I'm open
I'm taking this moment to give You everything

We're not meant to be another face in the crowd

There's gotta be a difference
It's gotta be significant
'Cause You're really inside changing my life
And it's so evident that there's a difference
There's a difference

Songwriters: Glover, Ben; Prince, Josiah; Sams, Justin; Tuabe, Scott
The Difference lyrics © Up In The Mix Music

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